
Brand: Live Nation

Design: Michael Brennan

I was honored to make this flyer for a very special Summerstage show.

The typeface is Bayard, by Vocal Type. It’s inspired by signs from the 1963 March On Washington For Jobs and Freedom and named for Bayard Rustin, the principal organizer of the march. Rather than summarize Bayard’s life of activism, I’ll just say that if you need a refresher, don’t hesitate to google him. His impact and legacy across civil rights, workers’ rights, and gay rights cannot be overstated. And if, like me, you love historically significant typographic homages like this, check out Vocal Type.

Phony Ppl
Anniversary Shows

Band: Phony Ppl

Design: Michael Brennan

I created flyers for Phony Ppl’s run of shows, celebrating the 10-year anniversary of their album, “Yesterday’s Tomorrow”

Live From the Flowershop

Brand: Not97

Design: Michael Brennan

Poster for the Not97 concert series hosted at Cafe Erzulie.

Joudy Show Flyer

Band: Joudy

Design: Michael Brennan

Flyer and type for the brooklyn-based band.

Peter Coccoma Release Show

Artist: Peter Coccoma

Design: Michael Brennan

Record release show flyer for Peter Coccoma.

Giro Prepares For Death

Design: Michael Brennan

I made the poster for Peter Coccoma’s beautiful short film.

After receiving a medical diagnosis, a man returns to his remote homestead on a small northern island to process what he will do next.


Film: Farewelling

Design: Michael Brennan

I made the poster and title logo for Farewelling, an Unpaved Rodes production.

Contemporary artist, Jenna Rossi, grapples with grief, secrets, and betrayal after her best friend's death. A hallucinogenic trip leads to shocking revelations as reality blurs and tensions explode in a chaotic, surreal quest for closure.


Logos & Lettering


Half Alive - Persona